We provide clients with intuitive and guided analytics tools which help to solve the counterintuitive problems faced when dealing with compliance-focused marketing initiatives
Direct Connect is a One to One relationship between a consumer and an advertiser to ensure safeguards protect consumers from misleading and confusing marketing copy. Our technology ensures that compliant and approved ads are being used by a vendor, and allows for the acceptance or rejection of a call based upon proof of consent and usage of approved creatives only.
Rest easy knowing you will accept calls ONLY from creative assets you've approved.
Leading consumer protection software
safeguard the consumer experience
Direct Connect provides safeguards for both clients and consumers to prevent misleading marketing copy from being used in market, therefore reducing the amount of complaints and ensuring consumers have access to the benefits that are promoted to them.
We're driven by a passion to keep consumers free of misleading and deceptive marketing practices. It's been said that the best ideas are born from a need, and our Direct Connect platform is just that... an answer to the challenges faced in the Medicare industry that led to harsh regulatory guidelines by CMS. As an agency passionate about helping seniors understand their Medicare options and help navigate a very complex product, we were driven to build a compliance platform that helps eliminate the confusion seniors face with the overload of deceptive marketing.
Our private marketplace guarantees compliance for buyers and sellers.
Marketing strategies, and how they impact a consumer's perception of an available product or service, are under immense scrutiny. We are driven by the need to safeguard consumers' experience, and ensure compliance standards are met with all aspects of the consumer lead generation process. We have created a trusted source of buying and selling leads and calls that enables adherence to the CMS guidelines that require transparency and accountability between marketing agencies, carriers and consumers. Our clients thrive with the help of a product that captures proof of advertisements, matches those ads to an approved suite of creatives, audits call centers scripts in real time, or post transaction, and provides a method of connecting the dots across multiple platforms and processes, and delivers the results in one concise, easy to use platform.